Swimming in a Fish Bowl

My life on display

Monthly Archives: August 2012

Closer to Fine

FitLife by Slawa

FitLife by Slawa

I have four more months of normal eating under my belt. Though I am still walking a tightrope. Instead of a binge-eating safety net available to catch me, I can see a starvation one below. I have mentioned my time of under eating in other posts. I thought I would explain it further now.

It began with my wanting to get healthy about seven or eight years ago, when I was living in a one bedroom apartment Arlington, VA with Mikey. I thought I would make some little changes to get healthier, rather than tackling yet another all or nothing diet. I started by working out ten to fifteen minutes a day. After a few months, I found myself wanting to work out more. So I did. After another few months, I thought I would like to change my diet. All of the above were good steps to positive changes. There was a problem with my plan, though. I was on lithium at the time to treat my bipolar disorder. A person on lithium cannot simply change his/her diet willy-nilly because of the way the kidneys process the medication. I won’t pretend that I totally understand this. What I do understand is that the kidneys take in the lithium as if it is a salt. If the person taking lithium changes his/her salt intake (by lowering or increasing it), the kidneys may take in too much lithium, causing lithium toxicity, which can be fatal. Read more of this post